For a company to be successful in the Government contracting arena, compliance to the myriad of rules, and regulations is key. The level and complexity of these rules and regulations applicable to your business depends on the Government markets and types of contracts your Company pursues. As the level of complexity increases so does the risks.

TDGS provides outsource services to contractors by:

Evaluating current and potential future compliance requirements such as:

  1. –FAR and Cost Accounting Standards (CAS)
  2. –Business Code of Conduct and Ethics
  3. –Contract Clause applicability
  4. –Special contract terms and conditions
  5. –Initial assessment of ITAR and Export control requirements
  6. –Prime and subcontractor risk allocation
  7. –Contract performance and cost reporting requirements
  8. –Representation and Certification requirements
  9. –Truth In Negotiation Act (TINA)
  10. –Audit requirements